Sunday, January 21, 2007

skirts and stops

i wore a short skirt some days ago. i was not in the mood to iron any slacks, and there was this skirt that my cousin gave me that i haven't worn ever.

i just found it amusing that guys seem to notice me more when i'm wearing a skirt. and i don't even have nice legs (blame it on genetics and the overly long lines in the Math building) ;) in 5 minutes, i had 3 taxis stop in front of me, when ordinarily it would take me around 7 minutes just to flag one. it seemed like i became a taxi magnet all of a sudden :P of course, i had to flag 3 taxis before one agreed to take me to the office (which was quite far from our house). gasoline and traffic were still more compelling than a girl in a short skirt. or maybe my charm wasn't enough :P

oh yeah, on my way home, the eyes of a driver in the tricycle stop followed my legs as i walked by :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha :D Hataw sa charm a!