Friday, February 10, 2006

m.m.d.a. (mhelpful men on dangerous avenues)

as a pedestrian who is deathly afraid of crossing the street, the presence of MMDA personnel in Quezon Avenue is a welcome treat for me. after all, no vehicle dares run past a traffic enforcer waving his "stop" placard in the middle of the street (who, in their right mind, would want to get pounded by the huge placard?). consequently, i can freely cross the street to catch the next MRT ride south. and for a short while, i can think of other things besides the idea of how unpleasant i will look like if i were ran over by a car. :D

thank God for these men.

special thanks to ice for coming up with the first word in the acronym. tenks for being so mhelpful ;)