Tribute to Kuya Aleks
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of laughter. I remember meals in the dorm mess hall where I usually partake of side-splitting jokes for dessert. I remember how particularly enjoyable a fellowship is when he is one of the emcees.
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of songs. I recall how I used to look forward to piano room sessions in the dorm every Wednesday where he and other friends would play the piano and just sing. I remember his resounding bass voice going "badoom-badoom" during choir practices. I remember how he would usually burst into song while walking home from a core group meeting.
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of sketches. I remember racing to the tack board after an MCM fellowship just so that I can get to keep the poster he made for that gathering. There was also this amusing anecdote where he drew a friend, but the sketch ended up looking like some OTHER girl. ;)
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of stories. I recall witty punch lines and quotable quotes. He even shared with us the proper way to kill a lab rat (Eeew!).
I remember how in college, I used to dare him to ask me if he can drink from my mug. I remember his usual reply, "Balang-araw makakainom din ako dyan!" ("Someday, I too can drink from that mug.")
I remember how irritated he is when he hears someone sip HOT (Yep, he must know that the soup is hot) soup loudly. I remember this girl that he couldn't get over with for years, and how I used to be amazed that there are still martyrs in the male species.
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of words. I remember how I would be careful with what I spoke around him, because I know I would be subjected to grammar checks :) Conversing with him in English also comes unconsciously and naturally.
I think of him as one of the few people I know who are careful to use the correct nuance of a word. I recall how his writings make for pleasurable reading, his blog, a daily indulgence.
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of friendship. I think of coffee sessions, treats and catching up. With him, you need not worry if the last time you've seen each other is ten years ago. His ears are ready to hear; his words, wise and insightful.
When I think of Kuya Aleks, I think of God. I see how He bestows good gifts to each of His children. As if this is not enough, He even gives us good friends! Yeah, when I think of Kuya Aleks, I can't help but utter a prayer of thanks to God for how lavish His love is for me, that He has blessed my life with Kuya Aleks' friendship.